Mission Statement
In Christ's name
we welcome everyone,
share faith together,
and serve the world.
Where the commandment of the Lord Jesus Christ to "love one another" is alive and well
In Christ's name
we welcome everyone,
share faith together,
and serve the world.
We acknowledge that God is the creator of all that exists, the sustainer of all life, the giver of all blessings.
God has acted definitively in Christ to redeem the lost, free the captive, and bring justice to the poor and oppressed.
We acknowledge that Christ is our Lord and example. We are called to follow him.
Christ calls us into the fellowship of Christian community - the church.
We acknowledge that all are God's children, no exclusions or exceptions.
We are called to bring everyone to a saving relationship with Christ.
Within the church we are called to teach and learn - to study God's word as revealed in the Bible, in the Christian tradition, and in our experience of God through prayer; to teach others: our children, youth, and new members of our family.
Remembering that we are all equal before the God who gives us life, we are called within the church to support one another for the common good: to praise and encourage each other, to admonish each other, to forget the past and strive toward the goal of the upward call of God in Christ.
We are to practice patience, compassion, kindness, forgiveness, peace, and the love which leads to upbuilding and harmony.
We are called to be in service to the world - to feed the hungry, clothe the naked, visit the prisoner, shelter the homeless, share with the lonely, encourage the downtrodden.
We are also called to oppose the structures that oppress persons and deny their worth as God's children. We are to live a life which acknowledges our witness. We are to be stewards of the creation with which God has blessed us.
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