Harvey UMC at Work...
Harvey's Closet
Harvey's Closet Thrift Shop was founded in 1983 to serve the community by offering gently used clothing at very resonable prices. The proceeds are used to support local and worldwide missions. Any clothing not sold is sorted and bagged to be collected by A & E Clothing who then ships it to countries all over the world.
When Hurricane Sandy struck our area, there was a tremendous need for community support. Shipments of clothing came to Harvey Church from all over the country and dozens of volunteers showed up to help. The sanctuary was used as a staging area to sort, arrange and fold tons (literally!) of clothing. All those affected by the storm were provided with clothing - free of charge. Praises to God for the volunteers and the generous people who donated!
Harvey's Closet also provided clothes for people caught in a tragic late-night fire in a local motel where several people lost their lives and many others were displaced. Some folks came in with only blankets wrapped around them. (They had only moments to escape the blaze). They were given bags of free clothing to help them get back on their feet. Ironically, some of these people were in the motel because their homes were destroyed by Hurricane Sandy.
Over time, the Closet has outgrown two rooms and has been expanded yet again to include household items, small appliances and jewelry. None of the above would be possible without all our faithful volunteers. Our goal for the coming year is to actively seek new volunteers to staff Harvey's Closet so we can offer expanded hours of service. We are trying to maintain three volunteers every day that Harvey's Closet is open.
Come join us! There is still much to be done. You can help by donating gently used clothing, clean appliances in working order, household items, and jewelry. Also consider volunteering even for just one hour per month and be the hands and feet of Jesus here in the community. A recurring comment we hear from our volunteers is how they are forging lasting friendships with fellow helpers.
Currently the hours of operation are Saturday from 9:00 am to 12:00 noon.
Friendship Dinners
A Friendship Dinner is held at Harvey Church once a month. The Dinner encourages socialization in the community and is prepared by several churches in the Point Pleasant area under the direction of St. Gregory's Pantry. Harvey Church hosts the dinner at 4:00 pm every second Sunday of the month.
The attendance is anywhere between 40 and 80 persons, and there is always great conversation between attendees and their friends. This is a place for them to have a hot meal and get out for a time of good fellowship. We also provide approximately 22 shut-in dinners for those unable to come to Harvey. The dinners are delivered with a happy message and lots of love. The Valentine House and and Triton House (special-needs houses) also bring a group of residents each month.
Our thanks to the Friendship Dinner Committee and faithful volunteers. You are welcome to join us to help "feed the hungry" and be part of this vital ministry.