United Methodist Women
The UMW at Harvey Church meets on the third Monday at 1:00 pm in the Newman Room. Each meeting begins with devotionals. All women are invited to attend.
The May meeting is held on the third Wednesday of May at 7:00 pm. At this time we have our Mother-Daughter Dessert. Bring your Mom, your daughter, or someone near and dear to your heart.
The June meeting is our Ice Cream Party, held on the third Wednesday at 7:00 pm. At this time we reveal and thank our Secret Pals and draw new ones for the coming year.
During the hot summer months, we take a break by meeting every other week at 6:00 pm at the local beaches for a relaxing social time. Bring a beach chair, sandwich and beverage.
Our annual Holiday Bazaar is at the end of October and is the main fund raiser which enables us to keep our commitment for the following year.
During the year, we have craft nights and a quilting bee to create beautiful hand-made gifts to offer at the Bazaar.